July 22, 2003

Taco Bell...yum.

WIN GAS ! ! !. I was eating at the bell for dinner last night (insert joke here) and came upon this contest (follow link above). Couldn't help but think, "Don't I already get gas after eating at Taco Bell?" Why couldn't they have chosen a better prize item? I guess they may be trying to let their customers know they have a sense of humor.

I know I've been slow to post lately on my blog, not much happening, typical summer I guess. Been working on behind-the-scenes stuff at home and work. My cousin's website for his clinic had some retouching done by moi. Check out the appointment page, I wrote a PHP script for that appointment calendar -- nice huh? Improvement advice is appreciated if you have any.

Posted by johnvu at July 22, 2003 11:39 AM
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