Men's health, slashdot, and more
I've just submitted a story to slashdot, we'll see if it gets accepted. I've been getting my submissions rejected a lot lately. But this time, I wonder if things will be different. The topic of discussion is men's health and prostate cancer. Below is the full text of my submission. It may sound funny at first, but really, it could be an important finding.
Let's not kid ourselves: the major demographic of slashdot readers happen to be male. Men's health is a rarely talked about topic at slashdot (sadly, since so many read it). Here's a "pick-me-up" for you guys. According to new research discussed in the article, the more times you masturbate, the lower your likelihood to develop prostate cancer. Graham Giles who headed the research says: "The more you flush the ducts out, the less there is to hang around and damage the cells that line them." Interestingly, the most noticeable effect occurred in those individuals who were most "active" in their twenties. Please spread the word, lest you males miss your window of opportunity.
Posted by johnvu at July 17, 2003 05:01 PM