May 25, 2005

NIH's E-utilities new changes

What's new in E-Utilities web service

Changes in version 1.3

* SOAP interface supports new ESpell utility.
* SOAP version of EFtch utility supports Gene, Taxonomy, and SNP databases.
* There is an additional set of SOAP methods for clients created in Microsoft's Visual Studio or SOAP Toolkit 3.0. These methods have suffix _MS, for example, run_eLink_MS, and have simplified form of the call from Microsoft's tools.
* New version includes efetch.wsdl, which implements EFetch utility only.
* Also, version 1.3 includes eutils_lite.wsdl, which implements all utilities, but EFetch.
* run_eFetch(run_eFetch_MS) supports uilist value of the report parameter.

Posted by johnvu at May 25, 2005 01:34 PM
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