February 01, 2005

Easter eggs in my dissertation

DVD Easter Eggs. I had a friend tell me about Easter Eggs in DVDs (hidden features in DVDs) a while back, but never really appealed to me. Strangely, as I was writing my dissertation, I wondered whether all the work that I've put into it will eventually mean someone will read it. I can't even guarantee if my thesis readers in my committee will even actually read it---err, they'll probably "read" it, but not word for word. I'm sure I'm not the first person to think this. Anyway, you may find it strange why I started out about DVD Easter Eggs. I'm sure there are more than few published dissertations out there with their own set of Easter Eggs. Did you put one in yours? Or do you know of one? How creative was it? Was it some sort of puzzle game or cryptic message? A simple google query for "Easter eggs dissertation" or "hidden meaning dissertation" came up with nothing. I'm still not yet convinced that it hasn't been done.

Posted by johnvu at February 1, 2005 05:52 PM
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