JabRef: Java GUI for managing BibTeX and other bibliographies. I stumbled upon this via a posting on the pybliographer newsgroup. Looks like a promising bit of software. Perhaps for some of you it's worth a look-see. If you're still stuck in the MS world and need to organize your BibTeX references for a LaTeX document (the best way to write your dissertation by far), this might be the answer for you.
In other news, I've just ported my Medline search tool using wxPython -- as an exercise to see if I could do it and run it in Windows. It works for my purposes (in Windows XP) but is fairly rudimentary in function. It will however save your search result as a Medline file so that you can import into pybliographer if you ever so choose. I'll be releasing my port shortly, even though I think most of you will probably not need or want to use it. Now for trying to get the pybconvert function of pybliographer to work in Windows....might work, haven't tried it yet.
And for unrelated news that doesn't affect most, if not all, of you -- I just found out that my graduate office will gladly submit my dissertation as an intact PDF file to UMI for archiving. Thank you!
Posted by johnvu at January 22, 2004 10:53 PM