Howard Dean for America: DFA. Surfed upon this page via the page (or should it be -- you know, you scratch my back...) Read what Dean said:
Under my plan, we cover all kids and young adults up to age 25 -- middle income as well as lower income.
That's a bold, very bold statement. I have a very hard time believing that it's possible. How many presidents have you known made similar promises of universal healthcare? How many do you know have been successful? I rest my case. Sure, it's easy for past presidents to blame it on Congress, or something else, but at the end of the day, err, term, what does he have to show for the effort? Those of you who really know me, know that I'm a fairly optimistic, gung-ho type of guy, but for whatever reason, in this situation, I'm a big critic, very skeptical -- I don't think it can be done anytime soon. I really really really hope I eat my words on this, though. Because if I'm wrong, I know my son will be covered until he's 25 (as per Dean's promise). Oh, wait? Dean didn't outright promise this? He calls it a 4-point "plan" and not a promise? In my eyes, it's still a promise. I hope he lives up to it if I and the rest of the voting population gives him the chance.
Posted by johnvu at January 7, 2004 01:15 AM