Open bibliographic and cataloging standards and software. Sadly, one of the drawbacks of being a scientist and having the conviction to use open source software is that bibliography managing software are lacking in features. Come time to write, the scientist spends quite of bit of time resorting to mundane tasks in dealing with bibliographies -- tasks that were already streamlined by software in the MS world. The open-source bibliographic world is moving along, however. John Lee and Bruce D'Arcus have written a fairly comprehensive summary of software most actively being developed to help us move away from proprietary methods and to open the doors (quite literally) to exponentially better solutions. Read the list to learn more about how these developers are working towards dealing with the current problems. Excerpt: This list provides a quick overview of the landscape of open-source bibliographic software; both where is has been, but more importantly, where it may yet go.
Posted by johnvu at July 9, 2003 11:45 AM