July 07, 2003

Write your representative in support of a new bill

Support the Public Access to Science Act. I got this story at Salon.com from snowdeal.org. To quote the article:

On June 26, Rep. Martin Sabo, a Minnesota Democrat, introduced the Public Access to Science Act, a bill intended to rectify the situation. The act would amend U.S. copyright law to deny copyright protection to all "scientific work substantially funded by the federal government." Since the U.S. government is the world's largest sponsor of scientific research -- the White House asked for more than $57 billion for science in 2003 -- Sabo's bill would have profound implications for scientific publishing. If passed, it would instantly put a huge swath of newly published research into the public domain, upending the journals' pay-for-access business models.

More information about the repercussions of introducing this bill can be found at GenomeWeb and Snowdeal.

Posted by johnvu at July 7, 2003 11:33 AM
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