June 16, 2003

HBO series looks into the faces of AIDS

Boston Globe Online / Living | Arts / HBO series looks into the faces of AIDS. For the next few Sundays (starting tonight at 7 and 7:30 -- whoops, missed it), HBO is presenting a series of 5 films produced by Robert Kennedy's youngest daughter, Rory Kennedy. The series, entitled "Pandemic: Facing AIDS," presents anecdotal snapshots of individuals suffering with HIV/AIDS in 5 different countries throughout the world. For those of you who are convinced that HIV/AIDS is "not my problem," please take the time to watch the films and reevaluate afterwards whether or not you still think HIV is not a problem. The films attempt to show how heavily HIV has imposed huge social and economic burdens on today's populations. You can learn more by perusing the film's website.

Posted by johnvu at June 16, 2003 12:45 AM
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