May 23, 2003

You want a piece of me?

My blogshares at BlogShares - The Struggling Grad Student has just been listed for trading! Woohoo! I'm being sold at a bargain basement price of 25cents per share. There are currently 4000 shares publicly available -- I could, in theory buy 1501 shares and be the majority stockholder of my blogcompany (I'm given 1000 shares off the bat), but since this is for fun, I'll let it ride in the free market and see how far I can go. So, you want piece of me? Think I'll make you some fake money? Put your money where your mouth is and buy some already!

In other news, been playing around with the b2 blog engine. Nice piece of free software. I've set it up for my cousin's blog, who's finally using it. It has all the pieces that make it interesting to me -- written in PHP with a MySQL backend (although I hear it can also use PostgreSQL), making it highly hackable. You ought to check it out. Alas, I'm not using that blog engine for this site because: 1) learned about it too late and 2) already made a donation to for my blog engine. What I've been hacking on b2 to allow it to use MT CSS files. In theory, then, all that is needed to have MT CSS files interchangeable between a blog using MT and another using b2 are the files that I've hacked. When I feel the hacks are worthy of publishing, I'll put it out here for you to see. In the meantime, check out my cousin's site for an example of a b2 blog.

I thought about writing a sed script to easily convert b2 files to use MT CSS files -- maybe when I have some free time or some monetary incentive to do it.

Posted by johnvu at May 23, 2003 12:42 AM
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