May 05, 2003

Quick Download Citation Lists

HubMed Citation Finder. Have you ever come across a paper with a citation list that you wanted to import to your bibliography manager? Some of you may be lucky enough to be reading the article on the publisher's website. The site may by chance have a quick link to download all citations in a format that you can import into your bibliography manager. If that link is not available, you could always manually search for every single citation at PubMed (via your bibliography manager), but for those of you who want to work smarter than that, read on.

The link that I provide above is to a tool called Citation Matcher. All you need to do is drop text into that box of ALL the citations that you want to collect for your bibliography manager, submit and click forward through the tool. The last page that you encounter will be a listing of all the citations you wanted and at the bottom, buttons from which you will choose, regarding the format of the downloadable file, to import into your bibliography manager.

You may wonder, "How is this different that doing it manually, I still need to type in the text of each citation right?" Again, if you're astute enough, you don't have to type it all manually. You can just copy and paste from the paper's website (via the publisher) or if you have a PDF file of the paper, you can use the "Text Selection Tool" (that's the button with the big T) to select, copy and paste your text into the Citation Matcher tool. Hope this makes you a more proficient student/researcher. Comments, complaints, or glitches with this tool? They're welcome as always.

Posted by johnvu at May 5, 2003 03:29 PM

Small hint: The Column Select tool (big T in a dotted square) is much nicer.

Posted by: alf on May 5, 2003 09:01 PM
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